Manual emails to event attendees
Though Workshop Butler provides quite extensive support for automated emails before and after each event, from time to time you may need to send a manual email to event attendees. For example, an event location has changed, or you want to give additional materials before a workshop, or you decide to reach persons who registered but didn’t attend an event.
With Workshop Butler, you can do it quickly, without adding many addresses to BCC or CC and checking two-three times that you included everyone.
By using tags, you can personalise a message. Workshop Butler replaces the tags for each attendee.
Fast selection of attendees helps you to make the action quicker and supports three main scenarios:
- Informing all registered attendees before a workshop. For example, giving additional instructions on how to get the event location.
- Sending a message after a workshop to the attendees, who participated in the event. For example, giving the links to additional materials.
- Asking the attendees who didn’t participate in a workshop what happened and if they would like to attend other courses.
Keeping in touch with your attendees has never been easier!