PayPal for JS Integrations

As we were saying before, there’s no such thing as a little improvement if it makes the lives of our beloved users better. So we are more than happy to share great news with you:

PayPal payment method is now available for our users with JS Integrations! And right now, during  the closed testing stage, WSB has 0% commission. We encourage everyone to join! Let us tell you how you can add PayPal to your account:

  1. Send a request to our support service

Dear WSB team! I would like to add Paypal to my account!

  1. We will add PayPal payments to your account
  2. It will appear as an option to your next event

In case your customers select a PayPal payment method during their registration, they will be redirected to the PayPal webpage to complete the payment. After the payment is done they will be sent back and registration will be completed.