Website Integration Update: Mobile Themes, Flexible Configuration and More

Since launching new website integration plugins several months ago, we received very positive feedback from many customers. Jason Little of Lean Change Management brand said:

Not having to write my own JavaScript integrations helped a lot,  especially because more facilitators were added, more courses were  added, so the sorting and the filtering and the updated pages for  workshops and facilitators which helped to promote them, saved me a lot  of time.

As the purpose of Workshop Butler is to free your training business  from administrative routine and save time and money, we were obviously  thrilled to hear that. So we continued to make improvements along the  way based on your requests and our findings, and today it’s time to  announce what has changed.

Well, we actually published several updates for the plugins, so this is a cumulative description of all of them.

Support for Mobile Devices

One thing that we failed to deliver in the first release and that is a  must-have in today’s world is support for mobile devices. As soon as we  realised our failure we got back to work. Now each screen, from the  schedule of workshops to a list of testimonials, looks nice on mobile  screens of all sizes and in any orientation.

Trainers in the List of Workshops

After the launch, we were surprised to find out that you love a Table  layout of the workshop schedule and prefer it to a spacier Tile layout.  There was one crucial element missing in the Table layout - trainers.  We underestimated its importance for you.

While working on fixing our mistake, we also improved the flexibility  of the layout. You can change the order of columns in the list, hide or  show the names of trainers.

Trainers in the Table layout

Support for User Dictionaries

Workshop Butler plugins speak six languages and their default  settings are usually good enough for most of our clients. However,  everyone is unique and has its own vision on how to interact with  students and how to present their brand. The words matter and the  ability to tweak them to your needs is an advantage.

Now you can alter each phrase and word in your integration and talk to your customers in a more personal way.

Example of user dictionary

Though this feature is available only on JS widgets, it would be a shame not to mention it.

Other Changes

  • The Location filter on the list of trainers has changed. Before it  filtered trainers by their country of origin. Now it filters them by the  countries they work in (on JS widgets only)
  • The URLs for trainer profiles got additional parameter name containing the full name of a trainer.

Most of the latest changes were proposed or shaped by you, our  customers.  If you have an idea or improvement in your mind, reach us at and we’ll try to make it happen.