I am an experienced facilitator and Management 3.0 course developer, helping new and experienced leaders to grow their skills to become better leaders. By becoming better leaders, they can support teams in creating value.
As a coach, I have helped many (junior) leaders to grow. Helped them find the right balance between empowering teams and setting the proper constraints. Many leaders struggle with motivating teams, doing performance reviews, or delegating work. As an experienced leader with 20+ years of hands-on experience, I get energized by sharing my experiences and helping people to gain new insights.
Successful teams are essential for an organization. Workers who reported feeling part of a team were not only 2.7 times more likely to be fully engaged. Moreover, they were three times as likely to report being highly resilient and twice as likely to report feeling a strong sense of belonging to their organization(1).
I am the founder of The Art of Teams, which is about helping teams create value. I share my insights regularly, for example, via TedX.
During my Management 3.0 workshops and coaching, I combine my leadership experience, knowledge about helping teams create value, and Management 3.0 knowledge to create an inspiring workshop. A workshop where attendees exchange experiences and learn about modern leadership tools. I was the first facilitator to receive the Management 3.0 Certificate of Practice.
I am the author of three books (15.000+ downloads), "Doing It - Management 3.0 Experiences", "Art of Teams - Helping Teams to create value" and “40+ Ideas to spice up your retrospective”.
Reach out to me to get a
free copy of my books, or
share your leadership challenges with me.