Some good ideas just lie on the surface and wait for you to grab them.
We have managed to catch one just recently, thanks to a question from one of our customers. The idea was to make separate email addresses for WSB account login and profile information.
Not a ground-breaking change, yet very convenient in certain cases.
Let’s imagine the situation. You use one email account for all your work-related activities: receiving updates and notifications about events, communicating with your attendees. In other words, this is the address you are ready to share with others. With our new feature, you can go to Account Settings and set a profile email for these purposes.

This address will be displayed on your WSB profile page. Visitors will see it on your website. And WSB will send notifications about new registrations and evaluations there.
Profile email address is an important point of communication with others and the destination for all the news about your events.
Read the detailed guide on how to change your profile email here.
But what if you prefer to use a different email to log into your WSB account? For example, you want to keep your mailbox only for sensitive messages like password change.
Then login email in WSB User Settings is the feature for the job. The email you set there will be used for login only and no one except you will have access to it.

Proceed to the link to read more about login email.
What about training companies?
Company managers create trainer accounts and help manage these accounts in various ways. It was only logical to give them the right to set email addresses for trainers too. Now, the email a manager adds on the trainer’s page will be the profile email for this trainer. And if a manager wants to set this email as the one for login too, they can do it by simply ticking the corresponding box under the Email field.

Of course, it's up to a trainer or a company manager to decide whether they want to use different addresses for login and profile information or one email for all purposes. Our goal here is to give our customers as much flexibility in their choices as possible. And we will continue our treasure hunt for new ideas which help you customize your WSB account as you want.
Join our Public Roadmap to keep an eye on our progress or contact us directly if you have any questions.