Category: Product Updates

Trainer Assistants

Many trainers work with assistants who take care of workshop management. Either you are a solopreneur or work at a company, it’s always good to have someone concentrating on organisational hassle, while you prepare for a workshop. Trainer assistants may create events, handle invoices and approve evaluations. Now you can add an assistant to your account in a couple of clicks. The assistants in Workshop Butler have the same access rights as you do.

Support for Private Events

Last week we talked about contacts and the history of event attendance. We mentioned at the end that the new module is a foundation for more useful features. Today we are glad to share with you the first step in this direction. Public and private (or on-site) workshops are different. For the former, you need to market the events, accept registrations, etc. For the latter, you work with organisations and interact mostly with organisers, not participants.

Contact Management

From the beginning, the process of attendee management in Workshop Butler was a straight-forward. When a new person registered for a workshop, or a trainer added a person manually, a new attendee was created. Each attendee was a separate entity, attached to the event. Even if one person participated in several classes, the system didn’t detect it. Many event management tools work this way. However, the process is different in real life.

New in Workshop Butler, Nov 2017

Last few months we have been concentrated on making significant internal changes in the platform. Though they are almost behind us, and you will see a spree of new features soon enough, the process is not over yet. As a result, there are only a couple of new things we want to talk about this time. Improved Import of Attendees Back in August, a new function to import attendees to workshops appeared.

Import of Attendees

August is a quiet season for a training business in many parts of the world. While some trainers and facilitators enjoy a warm sun and perfect time with their loved ones, it’s a great moment for us to concentrate on making the product better. There are many ways workshops are run and promoted. Sometimes it is entirely up to you to market a workshop and deal with registrations. Workshop Butler helps a lot here by providing fully-customisable registration forms in five languages and automating the dispatch of messages to participants.

New in Workshop Butler, July 2017

This summer is especially bad in St Petersburg. Constant rains, cool temperatures at nights and rarely visible sun don’t mix well with sunglasses and cocktails on a beach. At the weather like this, we prefer to stay at home, sip coffee and do some work. No surprise, Workshop Butler got a bunch of new stuff. Support for different languages Trainers use our platform to manage workshops all over the world.

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